Hello! I'm Aria Dwitolio,

UI UX Designer based in Indonesia

It’s a nice to meet you here!

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This is what they say

About Me


Have good ethics and values to give the best contribution


Able to understand brief and communicate ideas well


Able to manage time and complete projects well
  • "Aria dapat bekerja sama dengan baik dan mengerti brief. Open discussion dan bisa memberi feedback pada project. Hasil cepat dan bagus. Semoga kariernya bisa berkembang terus!"

    Ricky P. Ramadhan

    Head of MizanMU

  • "Aria is one of the most valuable people i have worked with. Not only his skills in UI/UX design, but also he can communicate well to solve many problems. He's not the type of person who will just wait for instructions, but he will proactively seek opportunities to contribute to the team and the problems the team is facing."

    Bintang Yoga Pamungkas

    UI Engineer at Bibit & Stockbit

  • "Bekerja dengan mas Aria cukup menyenangkan dimana secara diskusi maupun kamampuan kerja di bidang UI/UX impressive. Lebih banyak energi positif yang bisa didapatkan karena dari sikap dan sifat yang friendly dan kindness sehingga bisa lebih produktif."

    Imam Abdul Azis

    Mobile Application Developer at PT. Smartfren Telecom Tbk

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